Natural Language Processing (NLP), a specialized area within Artificial Intelligence, aims to equip computers with the capability to comprehend, interpret, and produce human language. This involves crafting algorithms and frameworks capable of sifting through and analyzing copious amounts of data in natural language, including both text and spoken words.

The Kazakh language, which is spoken by over 15 million individuals, does not have a high global prevalence. Yet, the scarcity of tools and resources for the Kazakh language in software applications hampers technological advancement in the regions where the language is spoken. This is because the majority of software solutions are predominantly designed to work with English and other more globally prevalent languages. Adding to the challenge is the intricacy of the Kazakh language, characterized by its rich vocalizations and dependency on context, making it particularly demanding to develop accurate linguistic models for it.

Despite these challenges, we aim to partner with other organizations specializing in AI and technology to develop resources and tools for the Kazakh language, with the goal of integrating them into software applications.